
Using Points of View in Your Story

Choosing which type of point of view to use in a story can be difficult for some writers. The point of view in a story is one of the most important parts; without this, the story cannot be told, especially in a way that it is interesting for the reader. Let’s review the points of view before we get into how to choose one that will fit your story.

  • First person point of view: the character is telling the story; “I”, “me” “my”, and “myself” are used (example: I sold the last pumpkin cookie).
  • Second person point of view: the author is talking to you from the story; very rare that it is used in a narrative (example: I want you to answer this question).
  • Third person point of view: the story is told by an outside observer; “he”, “his”, “himself”, “she”, “her”, “herself”, “they”, “their”, The observer is not part of the story (example: She told Michael that she wasn’t interested).

Remember: Your story should use the same point of view the entire time.

Now, you are still wondering which point of view best fits your story. If you feel comfortable using one point of view over the other, then use it! Never feel unable to use what you are great at, but remember, it doesn’t hurt to try other options. Say you are used to first person point of view because you are the one telling the story about yourself. Try to tell the story using third person point of view. Experimentation will not hurt you; it can help you. You may have to rewrite the story, but you might produce a better narrative.