Online Long Division Game in "Drag and Drop Math"
Drag and Drop Math is a way of testing what you have learned in class in the comfort of your home.
You can choose to test addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, and set the number of questions to answer. The sums can be quite tough – the long division in particular has numbers that would challenge fourth or fifth graders, but the approach makes things simple.
With each sum, you can drag the numbers on to the work area to help you work out the right answer. When you have the right answer – which could include remainders in the long division – type it in and see if you got it right. If you haven’t, don’t worry, you can try again.
You can add grids or lines to the screen too if that helps in your working out – but there’s no help guide to show you the right answer. It’s up to you to work it out.