
Choosing the font type

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Which font is the right one?

The font you use in your writing makes a statement about your personality, meaning, and professionalism.
The standard font is Times New Roman. It is a simple block style - no bells and whistles. It is commonly used in all kinds of professional, technical, academic, and even personal writing, and for many projects there is no need to deviate from it. Indeed, in some settings you may be penalized for using an alternative font (such as college papers).

I highly recommend Times New Roman or fonts like it (Tunga, Tahoma) for any work- or school-related writing.

The easiest font to read, and mostly used in webpages is Arial. I use it myself all around this website.

If you have some freedom with your font, you will find that you have access to a great deal of different styles to choose from.
Cursive styles, like Informal Roman, add a fanciful whimsy to writing, while a bold, old-fashioned style like Franklin Gothic can give you a formal tone.
Experiment to find the right font for your needs!