
Word's Keyboard Shortcuts

You can dramatically enhance your efficiency in working with Word by using the shortcut keys to accomplish different tasks.
From the human factors point of view, the shortcuts eliminate the procedure of moving your hand off the keyboard to grab the mouse and locate it carefully on the correct button and clicking and returning it back to the keyboard to keep on typing.

Using the shortcuts will feel a bit awkward at the beginning, and you might doubt the efficiency of using them. Believe me - after you remember them and you get accustomed to it, your work will get at least two times faster.

Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts in Word, arranged by subjects.
Note: The + (plus) sign means “Together with”, for example “Ctrl+S” means pressing the Ctrl key together with the S key.

General Actions

Save the current document Ctrl+S
Open a previously saved document Ctrl+O
New blank document Ctrl+N
Print Ctrl+P

Moving the text cursor

Jump to the beginning of the row Home
Jump to the end of the row End
Jump to the beginning of the document Ctrl+Home
Jump to the end of the document Ctrl+End
Jump one word to the right Ctrl+Arrow right
Jump one word to the right Ctrl+Arrow left

Selecting text

Selecting the whole document Ctrl+A
Selecting the whole row Home, and then Shift+End
or: Home, and then Shift+Arrow down


Bold Ctrl+B
Italic Ctrl+I
Underline Ctrl+U
Increase font by 1 Ctrl+]   (this is the right-squared bracket, located next to the Enter key)
Decrease font by 1 Ctrl+[


Align text to the right Ctrl+R
Align text to the left Ctrl+L
Align text to the center Ctrl+E
Increase indentation Ctrl+M
Decrease Indentation Ctrl+Shift+M
Set line spacing to single Ctrl+1
Set line spacing to double Ctrl+2
Set line spacing to 1.5 Ctrl+5


Undo last action(s) Ctrl+Z
Undo the undo action(s) Ctrl+Y
Copy Ctrl+C
Cut Ctrl+X
Paste Ctrl+V

Find and Replace

Find Ctrl+F
Replace Ctrl+H